Scale Models Club Bulgaria

Exhibition organization rules:

The scale models will be grouped in the followed categories:

Part „Beginners”
Part „Advanced”

    1. If there is less then 4 models/participants in category there will not be awarded 2nd and 3rd place.
    2. The using of scratchbuild parts, resin parts or photoetched parts will be taken in consideration in protocols with extra points.
    3. Diorama is 1 padding + 2 or more models + 3 or more figures.
    4. A participants under 18 and first time participant in the competition are allowed to take part in all categories, all others take part only in "Advanced" categories.
    5. Models participated in earlier exhibitions of "Scale Models Club Bulgaria" can participate in the current one but they will not be evaluated.
    6. All competitors could be awarded only once in each category.
    7. If the participant does not wish to let his model to be touched, the model should be placed on the stand and sticked to it.
    8. Registration fee for person - 5 Euro.