Scale Models Club Bulgaria

Fifth exhibition


Club "Scalemodels-BG" organized the Fifth open competition for scale models (all scales and categories).

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Venue: National Museum of Military History of 92 Cherkovna street, Sofia.

Date and time: May 16 and 17, 2009 (Saturday and Sunday)

1. Arrangement of the exposition - from 09.00 EET on May 16
2. Opening ceremony - 12.00 EET on May 16
3. Judging - from 14.00 EET on May 16
4. Closing the 1st competition day - 17.00 EET on May 16
5. Opening the 2nd competition day - 09.00 EET on May 17
6. Announcement of results - 14.00 EET on May 17

Discussion for exhibition: Forum


The exhibition of Club “Scalemodels-BG” is winning recognition as one of the most valuable hobby events in the country. And in the opinion of many modelers is the best scale models exhibition in Bulgaria. A significant amount of routine could be observed in the actions of the organizers. Their ever improving skills contributed to the well going of all the stages of the exhibition- starting from accepting and registering all the participating models all the way to handing the rewards of the winners.

The members of the jury had an extremely difficult time evaluating the best from all the exhibited models due to the exceptionally high level of all the participants. However, they all shared an opinion that it is a pleasure and a privilege to have such good scale models to evaluate.

For the fans of statistics we would like to illustrate the exhibition in a few numbers:

54 modelers participated from the following countries (alphabetically ordered):
- Bulgaria - 43
- Greece - 3
- Romania - 1
- Serbia - 7

As for the models, there were 229 participants coming from the countries as follows:
- Bulgaria- 158
- Greece - 25
- Romania - 6
- Serbia - 40

Alongside the scale models exhibition our colleagues from organized their own one, which presented 80 paper models.

There was media coverage by the leading news outlets including an announce in the main bTV news broadcast, as well as reportage from HobbyTV with whom our Club has traditionally kept friendly relations.

As a conclusion we can say that we are glad to have had a well-organized exhibition on a good European level. It was the lack of mediocre models which consolidated the name of Club “Scalemodels-BG” as a synonym for the best scale modeling Bulgaria has to offer.

We would like to thank all the people without whose energy and ideas the event wouldn’t have achieved such a success. We would also like to thank every single participant and visitor for adding sense and meaning to all our efforts.

The rewards were provided by AIRFIX and the "AERO" magazine.

We would like to congratulate all the winners and wish everyone more and even better models for our exhibition next year.


  Part „Beginners”

    B1: Airplanes 1/48, 1/32, 1/24

         I.  Milko Iordanov with F-117

    B2: Airplanes 1/72, 1/100, 1/144

         I.  Velizar Velikov (Pepelnik) with Mil Mi-24
         II.  Simeon Kostov with Su-27
         III.  Milko Iordanov with S3A Viking

    B3: Military vehicles 1/35, 1/48

         I.  Marin Markov (LuciferBG) with Pz.Kpfw 75 (r.) KV2
         II.  Stefan Mitkov Popov (stefeca 96) with Sd.Kfz. 10/5 + 20 mm FlaK 38
         III.  Milko Iordanov with Patriot MIM-109A

    B4: Military vehicles 1/72, 1/76

         I.  Petar Penev with T-80 BV
         II.  Stefan Mitkov Popov (stefeca 96) with KV-1 obr.41
         III.  Natalia Yankovich with M48 A2GA

    B5: Dioramas

         I.  Nikolai Dimitrov with DOT T34-85
         II.  Velizar Velikov (Pepelnik) with Diorama "Russkoe Pole"

    B6: Ships, automobiles, figures, etc.

         I.  Venelin Vasilev with Podvodnitsa VII/C-41
         II.  Milko Iordanov with USS Ronald Reagan

    B7: Scratch built models

         I.  Denitsa Ivanova with Laz-7
         II.  Momchil Marinov with Grigorov-1
         III.  Borislav Trendafilov with Chasovnikova kula v Travna

  Part „Advanced”

    C01: Propeller driven aircrafts and Helicopters 1/48, 1/35, 1/32, 1/24

         I.  Ivo Atanasov (ivoka) with Bf-108 Taifun
         I.  Valentin Petrov (valko-bg) with Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-6/U-6
         II.  Branko Petrovich with Gruman Avenger
         II.  Voislav Paravina with Heinkel He-51 B2
         II.  Darko Mladenovich with Polikarpov I-16 tip 24
         III.  Marko Baveusa with Focke-Wulf FW-200 Condor
         III.  Aleksandar Tumbin with Messerschmitt Bf-110 E2

    C02: Jet aircrafts 1/48, 1/35, 1/32, 1/24

         I.  Stanislav Petkov (Stenka) with Suhoi Su-33
         I.  Hristo Banchev (serpico) with F/A-18E Super Hornet
         II.  Pano Troplev (masklin) with F-15A Eagle
         III.  Aleksandar Tumbin with Me 163
         III.  Marko Baveusa with Messerschmitt Me-262

    C03: Propeller driven aircrafts and Helicopters 1/72

         I.  Branko Petrovich with Hudson
         II.  Ivan Filipov Ivanov (NAVY_YVAN) with Ki 67
         III.  Dimitar Dimitrov (javelin) with Fw 58
         III.  Pencho Genev with Hawker Hurricane MkII D Trop

    C04: Jet aircrafts 1/72

         I.  Simeon Ivanov (simo) with F-84G Thunderjet
         II.  Dimitar Terziivanov (DDt) with Chance Vought F7U-3M Cutlass
         III.  Branko Petrovich with Hawker Hunter

    C05: Civil airplanes 1/72 - 1/200

         I.  Petko Karamitev (pkaramitev) with Tu-154 BGA Balkan
         II.  Aleksandar Nenov (LZ-BTA) with Lockheed L- 1049G
         III.  Darko Mladenovich with Fokker-100

    C06: Wheeled military vehicles 1/72, 1/76

         I.  Nikolas Pronotarios with Horch + Flak 30 2 cm
         II.  Veselin Naidenov (Vesselin) with Sd.Kfz. 251/10 Ausf C w/3,7 Pak
         II.  Dimitar Terziivanov (DDt) with OB-3
         III.  Branislav Djeri with VAB 4x4
         III.  Mihail Vodenicharski (Moarein) with German Kriegslokomotive BR 52

    C07: Tracked military vehicles 1/72, 1/76

         I.  Dimitrios Kontos with Sherman CRAB
         II.  Lyubomir Nikolov (Milowitz) with Bergepanzer 38t Hetzer
         II.  Mladen Georgiev with Maus
         III.  Aleksandar Tumbin with Alkett Minenraum Panzer
         III.  Fanis Iordanidis with Warrior - Arrv

    C08: Wheeled military vehicles 1/48, 1/35

         I.  Aleksandar Atanasov with Willys
         II.  Emil Grupchev (Starshiata) with Zil 157
         III.  Mihail Vodenicharski (Moarein) with M966 Tow Missile Carrier

    C09: Tracked military vehicles 1/48, 1/35

         I.  Angel Spasov (angel4o) with 12.8 cm Sf.L/61 (Pz.Sfl.V) "Sturer Emil"
         II.  Stanislav Petkov (Stenka) with IS-2
         III.  Ivo Atanasov (ivoka) with Pz.I ausf.A Breda

    C10: Dioramas with military vehicles and/or aviation 1/72, 1/144

         I.  Fanis Iordanidis with Desert 1942 Flak 36

    C11: Dioramas with military vehicles and/or aviation 1/35, 1/48

         I.  Emil Grupchev (Starshiata) with Orlovo gnezdo

    C12: Figures up to 60 mm height, Figures over 60 mm height. Busts, all scales

         I.  Boban Jankovic with French Hussar

    C13: Civil cars, Racing cars, Trucks, Motorcycles

         I.  Simeon Ivanov (simo) with VW Golf MkII GTI 16V
         II.  Velko Atanasov with Volvo FH16
         III.  Mihail Vodenicharski (Moarein) with Ford Aeromax

    C14: Sailing ships, Vessels, Submarines, Sci-fi, etc.

         I.  Evgeni Elenkov (evgeni 200) with JSN Yamato
         II.  Nencho Mitsulov with Vaorazhenie na bazov minochistach
         III.  Aleksandar Tumbin with CSS Hunley

    "The best of the show" Cup

         Evgeni Elenkov (evgeni 200) with JSN Yamato
Published on May 16, 2009, midnight by simo
Visited: 12039